Sunday 8 March 2015

Bucket list

Hey guys,

How are you all? I thought I'd write a summer bucket list for 2015 as then I can look back on it and after the summer I can what I have achieved, if anything haha!

20 things to do this summer

Summer bucket list
  • Wear a bikini (this one may seem a bit odd but I haven't wore one in years as I wasn't body confident in the slightest, but I've learned to love my body more now)
  • Do outdoor yoga
  • Read more books (not just for summer but for this year in general)
  • Be less lazy and get outside some more (I love summer a lot, I do find myself outdoors a lot more in the summer too)
  • Take a lot of pictures 
  • Make a scrapbook of the summer
  • Get a good tan (I'm as pale as Casper the ghost at the moment haha)
  • Don't be afraid or ashamed to do things I love
  • Be more healthy (I love fruit but I don't eat it enough)
  • Cook/bake more home made foods
  • Go to a theme park (I'm petrified of roller coasters but I want to get over my fear)
  • Ride my bike in the sun
  • Recreate photographs from last year or a few years ago
  • Go to more concerts
  • Go to a festive/out door concert
  • Go to the beach!!
  • Camp with friends (whether that's on holiday or in our gardens haha)
  • Have/go to more sleepovers
  • Have a picnic
  • Sign up for a race (the run for life or the colour run are ones I'd like to do)

I have much more on my bucket list but I thought 20 was a good number, if you would like another please comment below.

Let me know a few things on your bucket list
Also does anyone have suggestions for my next post? 

See you soon,

Monday 23 February 2015


hey guys,

I saw this picture recently on twitter and it said:

"I am thankful for ....
The taxes I pay because it means that I am employed.
The clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to eat
My shadow who watches me work because it means I am out in the sunshine
A lawn that has to be mowed, windows that have to be washed and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home.
The spot I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of walking
All the complaining I hear about our government because it means we have freedom of speech.
The lady behind me in church who sings off key because it means that I hear.
Te huge piles laundry and ironing because it means my loved ones are nearby
The alarm that goes off n the early morning hours because it means that I am alive."

I think I can speak for quite a few of us when I saw we don't always think like this and yes it's ok to have a good old moan sometimes but if you think a little different and change your perspective, the world is a whole new place.

I know my last two blog posts have been very short, but atleast it's something right? Haha.

See you soon

Saturday 7 February 2015

Choices and decision making

Hey guys,

Making choices is something we do every single day in our lives, it can be something as simple as tying our shoe laces, what to cook for dinner or something big like which college/university do I go to, which courses do  I take.

Every single choice you make matters even if you do not realise at the moment in time.

Making bigger choices in life is very scary for many people, but if your heart is set on it then I say go for it and once you've made that decision don't look back, make it work!

As well as the really big decisions in life I feel as if some people are pressured into doing things they may not feel comfortable with doing. If you do not want to don't, no one can force you to do anything, they have to have your consent to do it and if you do not want to, who is making you? The cards are in your hands.

"Don't let your emotions make your decisions"

Just a quick post for now, I'll catch you soon,


Monday 5 January 2015

Revision techniques/tips

"Come on how hard is it to revise, just read the words and you remember everything"

Ahh good joke!

I thought I'd let you guys in on some of my little revision tips/techniques

Start revising early, not early in the day but months before, so then if you read the same thing every few days for months you will surely remember it right!!

Make a timetable and right the days and/or times you will revise with which subjects/topics you would like to revise to and stick to it!

Have water with you, as you are allowed to take water into the exam. Kind of linking on from water make sure you eat before you study and before you take your exam. This is a key step don't revise or take your exam on an empty stomach, it won't help, you will just keep thinking about how hungry you are.

If you can sit at a desk or table, sitting on your bed may be comfortable but your brain links your bedroom/bed with sleep and that may be a reason you aren't remembering key facts.

Re-writing and highlighting are crucial steps for me, I feel as I am writing it down (maybe more than once) it goes in just a little further, but also highlighting the key parts of the topic that I've written down, as then when you re-read them your brain will look back at the colourful highlighted parts and remember them more than what it would with just normal white background, black pen.

Past exam papers, mind maps/lists.
These things can become your best friend for a while, online you can get loads of past exam papers for a lot of subjects, hop on the internet and check them out, you will get a taster of what they're like and also with the ones you can not answer you know what you will need to revise more on.

Mind maps/lists, these things are key, you can write down as much as you remember about a certain topic and within that topic another one. (if you get my drift)  These can be done online and on paper for those of you who will not have access to a lot of paper or a computer. 

Flash cards!

Flash cards are a really great and quick way of studying (plus you can bring them along with you to read on the bus, train etc. Just whip them out) there are a few different ways of doing these which are:

  -Writing a word/question on one side of the card and having the answer on the opposite side.

  -Writing a small note about a certain topic on a card 

  -Definition of words on a card 

I am currently revising/studying for my exams so I best get off and take my own tips 

Leave me comments on more studying techniques or if you want me to make another blog about more tips as I have quite a few more to offer

See you soon

Saturday 3 January 2015

My blog

Hey guys,

To start things off Happy New Year, I hope this is the best year possible for you all.

I've decided to make this blog as it's a new year and  I also need a distraction sometimes and I just think a blog is the perfect way to pass time and express my opinions.

You will learn things about me as I write more and I may post pictures if I get reads on my posts haha!

I'm actually not to sure what I am going to have my blog as like "beauty" "photography" etc. So at the moment it will just be random things I want to talk you about, questions and comments will be answered but please leave me comments on what you would like me to talk about in future posts and I'll get back to you as soon as I can 

See you soon